Team Members by Research Area
High Temperature Test Laboratory Team Members
Kurt Davis | | | Kurt Davis | | | | | Kurt Davis has over twenty eight years of experience with tangible proficiency in sensor development and fabrication, X-ray system design and operation, high temperature testing, nuclear material handling and thermal modeling. His most recent contributions include a diamond temperature sensor and fuel pin diameter gauge for real-time data collection during in-pile irradiation testing. Other highlights include being a NASA product improvement team leader for the Space Shuttle and being the Principle Investigator representing INL on the Integrated Research Project for Advanced instrumentation for Transient Reactor Testing. | | <div class="ExternalClass671BE85E5A1145C995ADED7A23DA229E"><p>B.S., Mechanical Engineering - Utah State University</p></div> | | | | <div class="ExternalClass2B199F4647A742C1ACB5EB529B428214"><p><strong>Peer-Reviewed Publications</strong><br>K. L. Davis, D. L. Knudson, J. L. Rempe, J. C. Crepeau and S. Solstad, “Design and Laboratory Evaluation of Future Elongation and Diameter Measurements at the Advanced Test Reactor,” Nuclear Technology, Volume 191, July 2015, pp 92 - 105.</p><p> </p><p>J. Rempe, D. Knudson, J. Daw, T. Unruh, B. Chase, and K. Davis, “Enhanced In-pile Instrumentation<br>at the Advanced Test Reactor,” invited paper for ANIMMA 2011 Special Edition, IEEE Transactions<br>on Nuclear Science,59, Issue 4, Part:2, August 2012, pp 1214 -1223.</p><p><br><strong>Conference Papers</strong><br>Tong June Kim, Kurt Davis, Mark H. Anderson and Michael Corradini, “High Temperature Radiation Resistant Diamond Temperature Sensor.” Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, Advanced Measurement Techniques, Vol. 117, pp. 538-540, November 2017.</p><p> </p><p>Richard Skifton, Kurt Davis, John Crepeau and Steinar Solstad, “In-pile Measurements of Fuel Rod<br>Dimensional Changes Utilizing the Test Reactor Loop Pressure for Motion, 10th International<br>Topical Meeting on Nuclear Plant Instrumentation, Control, and Human Machine Interface<br>Technologies (NPIC&HMIT 2017), San Francisco, CA, June 11-15, 2017.</p><p> </p><p>A. Joseph Palmer, Kurt L Davis, Joy L. Rempe, Sebastien P. Teysseyre, Gordon Kohse, Yakov Ostrovsky, and David M. Carpenter, “Adaptation of Crack Growth Detection Techniques to US Material Test Reactors,” Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants ( ICAPP 2014), Charlotte, USA, April 6-9, 2014.</p><p> </p><p>J. L. Rempe, D. L. Knudson, J. E. Daw, T. Unruh, B.M. Chase, K. Davis, A. J. Palmer, and R. S. Schley, "Advanced In-pile Instrumentation for Materials Testing Reactors," 2013 Conference on Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation, Measurements Methods (ANIMMA 2013), June 23-27, 2013, Marseilles, France.</p><p> </p><p>J. Rempe, D. Knudson, J. Daw, T. Unruh, B. Chase, K. Davis, and R. Schley, “Enhanced Instrumentation for Materials and Test Reactors,” 8th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Plant Instrumentation, Control, and Human Machine Interface Technologies (NPIC&HMIT 2012), San Diego, CA, July 22-26, 2012.</p><p> </p><p>K. L. Davis, B . Chase, T. Unruh, D. Knudson, J. Rempe, H. Chichester, K. Sridharan, "Use of Silicon Carbide Monitors in ATR Irradiation Testing," 8th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Plant Instrumentation, Control, and Human Machine Interface Technologies (NPIC&HMIT 2012), San Diego, CA, July 22-26, 2012.</p><p> </p><p>K. L. Davis, D.L. Knudson, J.E. Daw, J.L. Rempe and A.J. Palmer, "Melt Wire Sensors Available to Determine Peak Temperatures in ATR Irradiation Testing," 8th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Plant Instrumentation, Control, and Human Machine Interface Technologies (NPIC&HMIT 2012), San Diego, CA, July 22-26, 2012.</p><p> </p><p>J. Rempe, K. Davis, et. al., “Enhanced In-pile Instrumentation at the Advanced Test Reactor,” Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation, Measurement Methods and their Applications (ANIMMA2011), Ghent, Belgium, June 2011.</p><p> </p><p>K. L. Davis and C. J. Stanley, “Application of Real-Time Radioscopy and Digital Imaging to the Examination of Transuranic (TRU) Waste at the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL),” Nuclear Waste Instrumentation Engineering, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation, Volume 3536, Boston, Massachusetts, November 1998.</p><p> </p><p>L. J. Siefken, C. M. Allison, K. L. Davis, and J. K. Hohorst, “Oxidation During Reflood of Reactor Core with Melting Cladding,” Proceedings of the 7th International Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics NURETH-7, NUREG/CP-0142, Vol. 2 pp. 1851 – 1862, Saratoga Springs, New York, September 1995.</p></div> | High Temperature Test Laboratory | | | Principal Researcher
| David Nigg, Ph.D. | | | David Nigg, Ph.D. | | | | | Dave holds an undergraduate degree from the University of Kansas in Engineering Physics, a master’s degree from Texas A&M University in Nuclear Engineering and a doctorate in Engineering Sciences from the University of Kansas. He is a Registered Professional Engineer by Examination (State of Idaho #5122), he is the author or co-author of approximately 200 refereed scientific publications of various types, and he is a co-author of three US Patents and one international patent. Furthermore, he has co-supervised 15 graduate student theses in connection with various adjunct faculty appointments at Idaho State University, Georgia Institute of Technology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, The Ohio State University, The University of Idaho, The University of Illinois, The University of Buenos Aires (Argentina), The University of Helsinki (Finland), The University of Pavia (Italy) and the University of Missouri Institute for Nano and Molecular Medicine. Finally, it is notable that he was elected as a Fellow of the American Nuclear Society in 2014 and he was the recipient of the 2006 Hatanaka Memorial Award, the highest honor bestowed by the International Society for Neutron Capture Therapy (ISNCT) in recognition of sustained excellence and leadership in NCT research and development. With a career at the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) and predecessor organizations spanning more than 40 years including his early student appointments and his currently ongoing Laboratory Fellow Emeritus appointment, Dave has made contributions in several key areas of computational and experimental reactor and radiation physics, research reactor applications, medical applications of nuclear and radiological sciences, radiobiology and biophysics, and technical management. He has served in various mid-level technical line management positions and, simultaneously, in high-level scientific team leadership and independent technical contributor roles during most of his career at the INL. His efforts in these areas have resulted in a variety of scientific research and technology development and deployment successes that have had national and international visibility and positive impact on the reputation of the INL. | | <div class="ExternalClass455C389443384BE381BA57A7F46A0EA0"><p>Ph.D., Engineering Sciences - University of Kansas</p><p>M.E., Nuclear Engineering - Texas A&M University</p><p>B.S., Engineering Physics - University of Kansas</p><p> </p></div> | | | <div class="ExternalClass0DA085AAEBCA47AAB2629D66D2F43CDE"><p>ASTM Standards Committee E10.05 (Nuclear Metrology)</p><p>American Nuclear Society, Fellow</p></div> | | High Temperature Test Laboratory | | | Laboratory Fellow | Joshua Daw, Ph.D. | | | Joshua Daw, Ph.D. | | | | | Joshua Daw is a research scientist and engineer at the INL’s High Temperature Test Laboratory where he develops instrumentation for in-core irradiation tests. He currently leads development and deployment efforts for in-core ultrasonic instrumentation. He previously completed an assignment as a visiting researcher at the Norwegian Halden Reactor Project where he led efforts on an instrumented fuel assembly test investigating fission gas release. As a University of Idaho graduate student, he received several recognition awards for his research in high-temperature in-core instrumentation. Dr. Daw holds a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Idaho. He was awarded the 2013 Laboratory Director's award for exceptional engineering achievement. He has authored or co-authored 12 peer reviewed journal publications and 21 peer-reviewed conference papers on high temperature testing and in-pile instrumentation. | | <div class="ExternalClass34615590414844048568BDA47EE38642"><p>Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering - University of Idaho</p><p> </p></div> | | | | | High Temperature Test Laboratory | | | Scientist/Engineer | Anthony Crawford | | | Anthony Crawford | | | | | Dr. Anthony Crawford is an R&D scientist/engineer in the INL’s fusion, hydrogen, and measurement system’s department. He holds a B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. in mechanical engineering, an M.S. in Electrical Engineering, and an Idaho Professional Engineering License. He has been with the INL since 2007 where his technical competence has allowed him to participate in activities such as force-feedback dexterous end effector research, employing novel modified linear delta platforms, human-machine interfaces, non-destructive characterization data acquisition/processing, high rate data acquisition programming, mechatronic system development, circuit design/fabrication, mechanical design, and extensive structural/thermal/computational fluid dynamic analysis. Many of the technical analyses that he has performed include smaller scale fuel and experimental systems in the ATR and TREAT reactors as well as large scale systems (Advanced Test Reactor (ATR) Primary Coolant System, ATR core, and TREAT reactor). These experiences have equipped him with an understanding of the environmental conditions and expected system behavior (e.g. irradiation based swelling, oxidation, flow rates, temperatures, and stress/strains) applicable to reactor based research. | | <div class="ExternalClassF00214EE5A824396B79C40144E4269A7"><p>Ph.D., Engineering and Applied Sciences - Idaho State University<br>M.S., Electrical Engineering - University of Idaho<br>M.S., Mechanical Engineering - University of Idaho<br>B.S., Mechanical Engineering - Idaho State University</p></div> | | <div class="ExternalClassB313C615B8F24986A0153EBF19D60F65"><p>Mechatronic and Intelligent Systems<br>Haptic (Force-Feedback) Devices and User Interfaces<br>Sensors and Non-Destructive Evaluation<br>Dynamic Systems<br>Programing</p></div> | <div class="ExternalClass2C170DEA703649F496ECCCB3C8EA31B4"><p>U.S. Technical Advisory Group (TAG) to ISO TC 299 Robotics</p></div> | <div class="ExternalClass91DE5B40845F4B64B618546D0FB6D216"><p>Crawford, A. L., “Force Control and Nonlinear Master-Slave Force Profile to Manage an Admittance Type Multi-Fingered Haptic User Interface," Proceedings of ISRCS 2012, Salt Lake City, UT, August, 2012.</p><p> </p><p>Crawford, A. L., “Nonlinear Force Profile Used to Increase the Performance of a Haptic User Interface for Teleoperating a Robotic Hand," Proceedings of NPIC & HMIT, San Diego, CA, 2012.</p><p> </p><p>Crawford, A. L., “Force Control and Nonlinear Master-Slave Force Profile to Manage an Admittance Type Multi-Fingered Haptic User Interface," Proceedings of ISRCS 2012, Salt Lake City, UT, August, 2012.</p><p> </p><p>Crawford, A. L., “Nonlinear Force Profile Used to Increase the Performance of a Haptic User Interface for Teleoperating a Robotic Hand," Proceedings of NPIC & HMIT, San Diego, CA, 2012. </p><p> </p><p>Crawford, A. L., Molitor, J. D., Perez-Gracia, M. A., Chui, S., “Design of a Robotic Hand and Simple EMG Input Controller with a Biologically-Inspired Parallel Actuation System for Prosthetic Applications,” 1st International Conference on Applied Bionics and Biomechanics (ICABB) 2010, Venice, Italy.</p><p> <br>Crawford, A. L., Perez-Gracia, M. A., “Design of a Robotic Hand with a Biologically-Inspired Parallel Actuation System for Prosthetic Applications,” ASME Design Engineering Technical Conferences (IDETC) & Computer and Information in Engineering Conferences (CIE) 2010, August 15-18, 2010, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.</p><p> <br>Crawford, A.L., Spears, R. E., Russell, M.J., “Eliminating Conservatism in the Piping System Analysis Process Through Application of a Suite of Locally Appropriate Seismic Input Motions,” Proceedings of 2009 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Division Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, July 26-30, 2009.</p><p> <br>Crawford, A. L., Edwards, D., “Implementing Fuzzy Logic in the Control of a Biologically Inspired Robotic Cat Leg,” ASME Design Engineering Technical Conferences (IDETC) & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (CIE) 2008, August 3-6, 2008, New York City, NY.</p><p> <br>Crawford, A. L., “Implementing a Neural Network System to Solve the Inverse Kinematics of a Biologically Inspired Robotic Cat Leg,” proceedings of ASME Design Engineering Technical Conferences (IDETC) & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (CIE) 2008, August 3-6, 2008, New York City, NY.</p></div> | Robotics;High Temperature Test Laboratory | | | Scientist/Engineer |